Tuesday, June 21, 2005

You Asked Me

You asked me what I saw today, and I said,
“I saw a morbid man lying on the bed,
I saw a seventy years old elderly contemplating his life,
I saw an old patient saying with his despairing,
And I saw an exhausted human waiting for his death."

You asked me where I have been. I replied,
“I have been in the heaven where everybody wants to go since I saw a bewildering world,
I have been on the beautiful sky talking with God,
And I have been an angel for few hours."

And then you asked, “What do you hope for?”
I told you that I hoped for many things:
For going through this tough of life,
For standing up without lying on the bed,
And most of all,
For living more than thousands of years.

By Amelia A. Level 600